Medical Research
Exposure to high altitude environment causes reactions in the body. The set of health problems related to altitude is the subject of ongoing research.
Here in the Research Unit of Dr. Favre-Juvin in the South Hospital of Grenoble-France, the patient is connected to a Altitrainer up to an altitude of 4500 meters. A dozen sensors continuously analyze the main physiological parameters (SaO2, heart rate, respiratory parameters, etc …).
The versatility of the Altitrainer configures appropriate tests for patients and research safely.
An expedition or a trecking well prepared
In 2003, a French expedition celebrate the first ascent of Mount Everest. Jean Michel Asselin -the leader – used Altitrainer to prepare this adventure. This specific training has been carried out during 6 weeks in the « Hopital Sud » of Grenoble under the supervision of DR Favre-Juvin. The Altitrainer’s protocols showed that after two weeks…
Dispatch of Jean-Michel Asselin
Dispatch of JMA from the daily book: {« Vendredi 4 avril, journée d’acclimatation à Pheriche, à 4300 m d’altitude. Tout le monde va bien, il fait très beau avec beaucoup de vent, ce qui n’a pas découragé certains de partir faire un tour sur la montagne pour stimuler leur acclimatation. Jean-Michel est ravi, ses efforts de préparation sous Altitrainer semblent payer : sa saturation en oxygène atteint les 95 %, ce qui est très proche de la normale sous nos latitudes…. »}
Simulated altitude training
Simulated altitude training with regeneration in plain is now possible with AltiTrainer200 ®. With AltiTrainer 200® it’s possible to simulate the altitudes up to 5500m above the sea level. With AltiTrainer 200® it’s possible to train the subjects to intensive training in hypoxia conditions with ventilatory flows up to 200l/min.
The training in hypoxia with AltiTrainer 200® lends itself to all the sporting practices with training on stationary apparatuses, which they are treadmills, ergometric bicycles or rowing machines…
AltiTrainer 200® is a new alternative able to set stimuli during the training to increase the performance positively, as well in phase of pre-competition as in competition.